Getting Out There: Transition Resources

Every day our specially trained teachers work with students to help them increase their independence, their living skills and their exploration of all the great programs, education, jobs and wonderful recreational activities outside their door in their hometown. Here are more resources to explore via the Internet:

General Transition

California Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) is an employment and independent living resource
San Diego Regional Center
The National Center on Secondary Education and Transition (NCSET) coordinates national resources, offers technical assistance and provides helpful college and career training information to help them create a successful future for themselves.
The National Council on Disability has issued a good report focusing on the imerging issues inpacting the lives of individuals with disabilities and recommendations for policy change.
National Technical Center on transition.
Transition Coalition

Going to college - a resource for teens with a disability
State of California Department of Developmental Services
State Council on Developmental Disabilities

Youth Toolkit is a guide for young people in California with disabilities transitioning to adulthood.


Cooking student

Community College has great programs for everyone

San Diego Community College District is a multi-cultural institution with diverse colleges and continuing education campuses.
The HEATH Resource Center offers resources for individuals with disabilities who are interested in attending college: information about educational disability support services, policies, procedures, adaptations, and strategies for accessing college or university campuses, career technical schools, and other postsecondary training entities. The center also offers information about financial and other supports to help students transition into postsecondary education.

FinAid! provides information about college scholarships and fellowships for students with disabilities.

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